Happy New Year!!! What are Your Brain Improvement Goals for the Year?
Happy New Year!!! We’re halfway into January and we’ve got an entire year in front of us.
Most of us have established goals for the year, but how many of us have set goals to help our memory and brain health? Well, this is the year that you can start!
Take Your Peace of Mind Back
At Memory Spring we focus on Mind and Mental Health because this is the foundation of personal power and stability. Without the ability to create our own peace, our lives can feel like a small ship tossing in a large storm. We barely navigate through one wave of problems only to find ourselves hit by another swell of stressful issues.
Adopt and “Attitude of Gratitude” to Reduce Stress and Increase Focus
As we role into the upcoming joyous and hectic holiday season, it’s a great opportunity to adopt an “attitude of gratitude”. The power of gratitude, positive attitude, and positive thinking has long been espoused to help us live a happy and fulfilled life.
Journaling: A Powerful Tool to Help With Memory and Mental Health
A very powerful tool to help with your memory and mental health is journaling. Writing down thoughts into a journal or diary is a skill that ties together both mental (thinking) and physical (writing) activities. That unique relationship between the hands and brain, sparked by the composition of thoughts and ideas, creates increased focus, stronger memory pods, and better cognitive recall.